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How Can I Start My Journey As A Beginner ?

 The question from where should in start learning pen testing, forensics, and stuff related to ethical hacking is frustrating. 

And the beginners are always in a dilemma that what is the best resource to start it from scratch to advance, and this dilemma leads them to waste of time on useless courses.

Today i will clear your all doubts related to "How To Start Journey In Cyber Security"

As i told in my previous post their are many different types of roles that you can choose in Information and security.
So it is very important that you should know that which field you want to achieve and luckily their are many present field to choose, some of them are Web Application Security,
Digital Forensics,
Network Security,
IOT Security,
Reverse Engineering, etc  

So the step 1 is to know that what you actually want to Learn and after you know that what you want to learn. Then set a target and imagine that, the target is on the other side of road and you have to cross the road, on which cars are going on high speed.

From this scenario i want to say that, this road is like basics, which you have to complete before actually keeping hands on actual testing and other things

Now a new question comes that what we have to learn in basics? it's very simple that you have to learn:
Computer Fundamentals,
and a programming language(scripting language like python is recommended)

So Now Lets Take a Closer Look To These Topics

Cyber Security is a Science as well as an Art. Like any other expertise, you need to put a lot of effort in order to acquire knowledge and become an expert hacker. Once you are on the track, you would need more effort to keep up-to-date with latest technologies, new vulnerabilities and exploitation techniques.
An security professional must be a computer systems expert and needs to have very strong programming and computer networking skills.
An security professional needs to have a lot of patience, persistence, and perseverance to try again and again and wait for the required result.

Additionally, an security expert should be smart enough to understand the situation. A good security expert has great problem-solving skills too.

Now we know what we have to learn, and now i'll just tell some topics of above mentioned requirements
~How processing works
~Hardware components of your computer
~How things are working in your Windows/Mac/Linux machine

~OSI, TCP/IP models
~TCP, UDP Differences and Flags
~Three-way handshake(SYN, SYN&ACK, ACK)  
~Ports and IP, how it works  
~Public and Private addresses  
~Definitions of DHCP, ARP,etc and how they work  

~All Linux commands
~How things are working in Linux
~using terminal emulator

~ Symmetric and Asymmetric encryption 
~What is Public key and Private key  
~What is Hash and Encryption
~HTTPS and why to use SSL/TLS  

~Any scripting language(python recommended)


Therefore these are the requirements, prerequisites and some tips ......... :) 


Now we know what we have learn when we are on a beginner's  level.  then one more questions comes that "From where should i start learning these things" i don't have resources to start.

So the answer of that question is that the resources are already there on internet but we have to find, which one to choose and start we have given solution for resources also, so in the next post we will tell the best resources for beginner's to start journey in information and security world 

Stay Tuned For Free Material And Best Industry Level Tips.................... peace :)


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