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What Is Cyber Security ?


 In Simple words, Cyber security is the practice of defending computers, servers, mobile devices, electronic systems, networks, and data from malicious attacks. It's also known as information technology security or electronic information security.  

 Now the main question is that what are the requirements and skills we should have for cyber security.............


1. Problem-Solving Skills

As a cybersecurity professional, problem-solving will play a major role in your day-to-day work. Those in the field need to find creative ways to take on and address complex information security challenges across a variety of existing and emerging technologies and digital environments.


2. Technical Aptitude

As the name implies, cybersecurity is a technology-focused field: you will be likely be tasked with responsibilities such as troubleshooting, maintaining, and updating information security systems; implementing continuous network monitoring; and providing real-time security solutions. Being technologically savvy is essential in order to perform the daily activities of a cybersecurity professional.


 3. Knowledge of Security Across Various Platforms

Cybersecurity isn't just limited to computers: you'll need to be comfortable working on a variety of operating systems, computer systems, mobile devices, cloud networks, and wireless networks - and keep up to date on advances in the field for all of them.


4. Attention to Detail

Being able to defend an organization against cyber breaches requires you to be highly vigilant and detail-oriented, in order to effectively detect vulnerabilities and risks. You'll like be responsible for continuous network monitoring and will need to be able to quickly identify concerns and come up with real-time security solutions to address them.


5. Communication Skills

As a cybersecurity specialist, you'll be working closely with individuals in other roles and departments, and it's important to be able to effectively communicate and explain your findings, concerns, and solutions to others. It's important to be able to speak clearly and concisely on cybersecurity strategy and policy, as well as to be able to convey technical information to individuals of different levels of technical comprehension.



6. Fundamental Computer Forensics Skills

While computer forensics and cybersecurity  are two separate fields, they're closely related - and having a foundation in computer forensics can help you excel in your cybersecurity career. To be able to effectively protect organizations' digital assets and prevent security breaches, you'll need to have a solid understanding of what happens if your efforts fail, and how compromised data is recovered. Most cybersecurity degree programs will have a computer forensics component for this reason.


 7. A Desire to Learn

As with any technical field, cybersecurity is fast-changing. Anyone who works in the field will need to be committed to keeping current with best practices and emerging industry trends, and will always need to be learning and self-educating - both on and off the clock.


8. An Understanding of Hacking

To effectively protect an organization's network and infrastructure, you'll need to know how they can be exploited in the first place - that's why most cybersecurity professionals must learn how to "ethically hack." Essentially, you need to have the same skills as a hacker, to fully understand how a system could be breached, and in turn, create effective solutions for thwarting these attacks.



 But as we go further in the industry, you will find that their are various types of roles that you can choose in Information and Security(Cyber Security) some of them are:

  • Security Analyst
  • Security Engineer.
  • Security Architect.
  • Security Administrator.
  • Security Software Developer.
  • Cryptographer.
  • Crypt analyst.
  • Security Consultant

In further post you all will get how to start in cyber security and more interesting post on ethical hacking and offensive testing.   ......................................stay tuned :)


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