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What Are Malware's ? All You Need To Know About Malware's.

 Malware is the collective name for a number of malicious software variants, including viruses, ransomware and spyware. Shorthand for malicious software, malware typically consists of code developed by cyberattackers, designed to cause extensive damage to data and systems or to gain unauthorized access to a network. Malware is typically delivered in the form of a link or file over email and requires the user to click on the link or open the file to execute the malware.
Malware has actually been a threat to individuals and organizations since the early 1970s when the Creeper virus first appeared. Since then, the world has been under attack from hundreds of thousands of different malware variants, all with the intent of causing the most disruption and damage as possible.

What Can Malware Do?       
Malware delivers its payload in a number of different ways. From demanding a ransom to stealing sensitive personal data, cybercriminals are becoming more and more sophisticated in their methods.

 Why do cybercriminals use malware?
 Malware encompasses all types of malicious software, including viruses, and cybercriminals use it for many reasons, such as:
  • Tricking a victim into providing personal data for identity theft
  • Stealing consumer credit card data or other financial data
  • Assuming control of multiple computers to launch denial-of-service attacks against other networks
  • Infecting computers and using them to mine bitcoin or other cryptocurrencies.

 How Does Malware Spread?       
Each type of malware has its own unique way of causing havoc, and most rely on user action of some kind. Some strains are delivered over email via a link or executable file. Others are delivered via instant messaging or social media. Even mobile phones are vulnerable to attack. It is essential that organizations are aware of all vulnerabilities so they can lay down an effective line of defense.

Types Of Malwares
Unfortunately are a lot of malwares XD,

A virus usually comes as an attachment in an email that holds a virus payload, or the part of the malware that performs the malicious action. Once the victim opens the file, the device is infected.

One of the most profitable, and therefore one of the most popular, types of malware amongst cybercriminals is ransomware. This malware installs itself onto a victim’s machine, encrypts their files, and then turns around and demands a ransom (usually in Bitcoin) to return that data to the user.
Cybercriminals scare us into thinking that our computers or smartphones have become infected to convince victims to purchase a fake application. In a typical scareware scam, you might see an alarming message while browsing the Web that says “Warning: Your computer is infected!” or “You have a virus!” Cybercriminals use these programs and unethical advertising practices to frighten users into purchasing rogue applications.
Worms have the ability to copy themselves from machine to machine, usually by exploiting some sort of security weakness in a software or operating system and don’t require user interaction to function.

Spyware is a program installed on your computer, usually without your explicit knowledge, that captures and transmits personal information or Internet browsing habits and details to its user. Spyware enables its users to monitor all forms of communications on the targeted device. Spyware is often used by law enforcement, government agencies and information security organizations to test and monitor communications in a sensitive environment or in an investigation. But spyware is also available to consumers, allowing purchasers to spy on their spouse, children and employees.
Trojans masquerade as harmless applications, tricking users into downloading and using them. Once up and running, they then can steal personal data, crash a device, spy on activities or even launch an attack.
Adware programs push unwanted advertisements at users and typically display blinking advertisements or pop-up windows when you perform a certain action. Adware programs are often installed in exchange for another service, such as the right to use a program without paying for it.
Fileless malware
Fileless malware is a type of malicious software that uses legitimate programs to infect a computer. Fileless malware registry attacks leave no malware files to scan and no malicious processes to detect. It does not rely on files and leaves no footprint, making it challenging to detect and remove.

Botnets are networks of infected computers that are made to work together under the control of an attacker.


How Attackers Proceed The Whole Malware Attack On A Victim

It is very important that the people should understand the basic techniques used by attackers to exploit the victims.

Planning: This stage involves selecting a target and researching the target’s infrastructure to determine how the malware will be introduced, the communication methods used while the attack is in progress, and how/where the data will be extracted. In advanced malware attacks, this stage typically includes the planning of targeted social engineering attacks (such as spear phishing) for initial malware introduction.

Malware introduction: In this stage, malware is delivered to its target(s) for initial infection. Malware is commonly delivered via social engineering attacks or via drive-by attacks online.

Command & control: Advanced malware needs to communicate with the attackers to send discovered information and receive additional instructions. It will send user, network, and machine information to the attackers and receive new instructions on what identities or machines to infect next, how to identify the targets, and instructions for data exfiltration.

Expansion: Attackers will explore the network and spread malware laterally seeking to infect machine(s) or system(s) that have access to the targeted data. Advanced malware often has robust self-propagation capabilities to identify and infect targets quickly.

Target identification: Once the attacker has gained an initial foothold and explored the network, the target(s) will be identified for the final phase of malware propagation. In this stage the malware is spread to infect machines or systems that contain or have access to the targeted data.

Attack Event/Exfiltration: The malware payload is executed; in an attack focused on data theft, this is the stage in which targeted data is compiled and offloaded to a location controlled by the attacker. Advanced malware employs techniques to hide exfiltration and other activity, such as encryption or compression of files using crypter and packer tools.

Retreat: After an advanced malware attack is complete, the malware will often retreat and hide within a computer network or destroy itself, depending on the target organization and likelihood of discovery by security systems.

How to protect against malware ?
When it comes to malware, prevention is better than a cure. Fortunately, there are some common sense, easy behaviors that minimize your chances of running into any nasty software.
• Don’t trust strangers online! “Social engineering”, which can include strange emails, abrupt alerts, fake profiles, and curiosity-tickling offers, are the #1 method of delivering malware. If you don’t know exactly what it is, don’t click on it.
• Double-check your downloads! From pirating sites to official storefronts, malware is often lurking just around the corner. So before downloading, always double-check that the provider is trustworthy by carefully reading reviews and comments.
• Get an ad-blocker! Malvertising – where hackers use infected banners or pop-up ads to infect your device – is on the rise. You can’t know which ads are bad: so it’s safer to just block them all with a reliable ad-blocker.
•  Careful where you browse! Malware can be found anywhere, but it’s most common in websites with poor backend security, like small, local websites. If you stick to large, reputable sites, you severely reduce your risk of encountering malware.

How to detect malware ?
Certain strains of malware are easier to detect than others. Some, like ransomware and adware, make their presence known immediately, either by encrypting your files or by streaming endless ads at you. Others, like Trojans and spyware, go out of their way to hide from you as long as possible, meaning they could be on your system a long time before you realize that they’re present. And then there are others, like viruses and worms, that might operate in secret for a time, before the symptoms of their infection start to appear, such as freezing, deleted or replaced files, sudden shutdowns, or a hyperactive processor.
The only surefire way to detect all malware before it infects your PC, Mac, or mobile is to install anti-malware software, which will come packaged with detection tools and scans that can catch malware currently on your device, as well as block malware trying to infect it.

 Malware on Android
PCs aren’t the only devices that get malware: any device that can connect to the internet is at risk, and that includes your Android phone. While you might not hear about them as much, Android attacks are on the rise, with phishing websites, fake apps, and unofficial app stores being the main distributors of dangerous software.
Android malware, much like PC malware, can do any number of things and cause all kinds of damage. There are viruses, ransomware, botnets, and trojans, spyware, and more: just what you’d expect in this era of smart devices!
Fortunately, if a device can be attacked, it can also be secured, and Android phones are no exception. Just install a anti-virus and its would give a additional security.

Malware on Mac
Macs have a reputation for being virus-proof, and while that was never true, it was true that, for a long time, the amount of malware that could infect a Mac was laughably small. But while the number of threats for Mac are still small when compared to the enormous malware library that attacks PCs, it’s no longer small enough to ignore. There’s a very real threat your Mac could become infected if you’re not careful and if it’s not secured with a powerful, trustworthy antivirus.
That’s why we recommend you download a antivirus for Mac to ensure your favorite Apple laptop or desktop isn’t compromised by any malware threats that may be lurking on the web.

How To Fix Your Android and IOS Device If It Is Infected From A Malware

There are two ways you can detect and remove malware from your phone.
•  The Manual way
• The Automatic way
The Automatic Way
This method is easy and very simple. You need to buy, download, and install anti-malware software, which will do the job. Most protection software comes with different features. These apps can scan for all kinds of malicious software, uninstall/delete it, and protect your phone from future attacks.
•  Malwarebytes
• McAfee
• ReiBoot for Android
• Incognito
The Manual Way – Android Phone
Step One: Shut down your Phone
The moment you detect the classic signs of malware invasion, the first thing you do, if you cannot pinpoint the site of entry, is to shut down your phone.
Shutting down the phone will stop further damage and the spread of malicious software to other programs.
It is the safest first option.
Step Two: Activate Safe Mode
Activating the safe mode on your Android device is as easy as
•  Hold down the power button for a few seconds.
• If you skipped step one, and decide to go straight to safe mode. Then while your phone is on, hold down the power off option.
• Tap the Restart option; most Android phones have this option. Then click on Reboot to Safe mode.
• For devices that do not have this option, switch off your phone by long-pressing the power button.
• Then long-press the Volume down button, wait till your device comes up.
• The Safe mode option will come up at the lower-left corner of your phone.

Step Three Part A: Phone Administrator Settings
Some malware is so intelligent and cunning. When they invade your phone, they find a way to protect themselves. They go to the Phone Administrators settings, and then they change the configuration.
So you can try all you want, but you will not be able to remove them. To fix this, do these;
•  Go to your phone’s Settings menu.
• Navigate to the Security options.
• Find the Device Administrator icon, deactivate the malware’s access and reconfigure the settings.

Step Three Part B: Find and Uninstall the Suspected App
This step can be considered to be the single most important because it deals with eliminating the threat. It is also an easy one.
•  Just go to the Settings on your android phone.
• Navigate to the Apps icon.
• Choose App Manager to find the full list of your apps.
• Select the infected apps.
• An Uninstall/Force close option should be right there.
• Choose to uninstall, and this will remove the app from your phone.
• You can also remove other suspicious apps, to be sure.
• In cases when the Uninstall icon is not in the options, Disable will be there. Click it instead.

With these steps, your android phone should be back in health.
 The Manual Way –  iPhone
Removing malware from the iPhone is not as technical as doing the same on an Android device. This is so because of the iOS and the fact that you can only download and install apps from the App Store.
Malware on your iPhone will most likely be due to a Jailbreak, and you are downloading apps from untrusted sites. You can fix the problem with these steps;
Step One: Make Sure You Have Back-Up Data
It is crucial that your data is backed up, even before the invasion started. If not, find a way to get your essential files off your device, but next time, make it a habit to back up your data regularly.
Step Two: Clear Browsing History and Data
•  Go to the Settings menu on your device.
• Navigate to the Safari icon.
• Then click Clear History and Website Data.

This is a quick step to remove error messages and many pop-ups from your safari browser.
Step Three: Shut Down and Restart Your iPhone.
It is just as simple as that. Switch off your iPhone, and then restart it.  This will allow it to reconfigure its settings after the second step.
Step Four: Restore From Back-Up
If the above steps do not resolve the problem, then you can restore your device to an earlier mode. That is before the malware struck. Make sure the back up is malware-free, else, its square one again.
Step Five: Erase All Content
This step is more of a plan B. If all the other actions do not still work, then you can always start again.  It is hard, even scary, but better than the malware anyway.
•  Go to the Settings menu.
• Then to General icon.
• Click on the Reset option.
• Press the Erase  All Content and Settings button.

Your iPhone is as good as new. Remember, it is important to get up-to-date anti-malware software. Also essential that you back up your data regularly.

How To Fix Your Windows And Mac System If It Is Infected From A Malware
Removing malware from your PC/MAC can also be done in two ways.  Although it requires some technical expertise, you can quickly get the grab of it with these steps.

 Manual Way
Step One: Safe Mode
Safe mode will prevent malware from causing further damage and makes it easier to remove. Before you activate safe mode, make sure you download a malware removal tool/software. After the download, disconnect from the internet. Wait till you fix the problem before you reconnect to the internet.
Safe Mode for Mac
•  Switch on your Mac, and immediately press the Shift key. The Apple logo should come up. Release the shift key when you see the login window.
• If your startup disk is protected with FileVault, you will be asked to log in twice.

Safe Mode for Windows
•  Restart your computer.
• When the login window comes up, press the shift key.
• Then press the power key and Restart.
• The choose an options menu will come up.
• Select the Troubleshoot option.
• Advanced options.
• Startup  Settings.
• Another window will come up, click the Restart option.
• A numbered startup options menu will appear.
• Select F4 to start your computer in a safe mode.

Step Two: Clean Up
You can do this by using the Disk Cleanup tool, while still in safe mode.
•  Go to the Start menu.
• Navigate to Accessories option.
• Click on System Tools.
• In the options, select Disk Cleanup.
• Scroll through to  Delete List and delete the temporary files.

Step Three: Run/Use a Malware Scan
Remember the malware removal you download, use the software to run a scan. The software will do the job for you, finding and eliminating all threats. Here are some of the trusted solutions
•  Malwarebytes
• Thor by Heimdal Security
• MalwareBuster

Step Four: Reinstall Software
It is important to reinstall all the files that were damaged and removed by the anti-malware software. In addition, make sure the software you reinstall is malware-free.


Common Questions Asked 

Can My iPhone Get A Virus?

As explained earlier, yes, your iPhone can get infected with viruses. Although it is rare for an iPhone to get malware, some habits or processes can cause it. Jail-breaking your iPhone and downloading apps from sources outside the App Store.

Can I Remove A Virus From My PC Without Anti-virus Software?

To this question, the answer is Yes. Although it requires a high level of expertise and experience, it is quite possible. You can use the Windows Task Manager and deactivate the unfamiliar process. Then launch your System Configuration and click the Startup Tab.

This will take you to a list of all the programs that run on your computer. If a program is nuclear, it is better to delete it. You can always reinstall it after fixing the problem.

Will Resetting My Phone Remove Virus?

It is possible that a factory reset can remove viruses. But, it depends on the OS (operating system), the malware type, and how deep it is on your phone. However, factory reset is capable of just wiping malware, which attaches itself to installation processes.

Will Wiping My Hard Drive Remove Malware From My PC?

This is a tricky question. While wiping your hard drive will remove the malware, the problem will remain if your back up is infected. The malware is capable of reinfecting your PC from an infected backup file. So make sure your back up is clean before wiping your drive.







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